Saturday, September 12, 2009

10 Ways to Quit Smoking

Have you considered ways to quit smoking? After thinking about cutting back or quitting altogether, many find themselves thinking about the various ways to quit smoking and become overwhelmed. The question that causes pause is how?

Let’s consider cold turkey. You know, and I know, that if you have chosen to quit cold turkey you really want to quit smoking, and you want to do it with sheer willpower! Unfortunately, this is one of the most difficult ways to quit smoking. On a positive note, if you are able to accomplish this task, there are absolutely no side effects to deal with except physical withdrawal. There are products available that can help you quit without the use of medications and patches if you choose this route.

Chantix is a prescription non-nicotine drug, and is one of many ways to quit smoking that uses medication to stop smoking. Less then half those that use this drug are able to quit after nine weeks of taking the drug. It has several side effects that are added to the discomfort of not having a smoke, and 55 suicides have been attributed to Chantix use. If considering this option, make sure you do your research.

Stop smoking shots are very expensive, and another one of the possibly dangerous ways to quit smoking. Remember, you want to stop smoking, but the drugs they put in your body have been known to cause anxiety, confusion, paranoid behaviors, psychotic behavior, and other side effects.

Nicotine replacement therapy is one of the most well known of the ways to quit smoking, and comes in several different forms. There is the gum that you chew, the patch that you wear, or the inhaler that you breathe in. The gum, lozenges, and the patches can be purchased over the counter. You will need a prescription for the inhaler. These ways to quit smoking have about a 20% success rate, and can become addicting as well.

Hypnosis can be a very successful method to assist in trying to quit smoking. Because smoking is a subconscious act, through hypnosis you train your brain to not accept the smoking.

Neurolinguistic Programming allows the smoker to model the behavior they are seeking to exhibit. Some say it is a zen experience, others say it is hypnotic. Whichever it is, there seems to be a very good success rate with quitting smoking, as this is one of the most popular and effective ways to quit smoking today.

Subliminal therapy is another one of the ways to quit smoking that works on a subconscious level. Listening to subliminal messages to help you curb the craving can facilitate the final goal to quit smoking.

Acupuncture is an ancient method used to treat a wide array of various physical and psychological ailments. Acupuncture is pain free, but when used to quit smoking, there are few withdrawal side effects to discourage the treatment. Success rates are also much lower than clinics advertise.

Laser treatments are based on the same principles as acupuncture, except it uses lasers as opposed to needles. This treatment is a quite costly, and the reported cessation rate of about 85% is under scrutiny by the Public Citizen's Health Research Group. Again, success rates are much lower than advertised.

E-cigarettes are much cheaper than real cigarettes. This electronic gadget is rechargeable and looks like the real thing. They can be smoked in most places, in restaurants, or other places that don’t allow smoking. This product delivers plenty of nicotine into the body without all the harmful carcinogens found in traditional cigarettes. It smokes like a real cigarette, and is great for social smokers or those not quite ready to quit yet.

There are methods available that have helped many people quit smoking for good. If you’re not ready to quit, the E-Cigarette is a much healthier option. You can find more information on safe and effective ways to quit smoking, and the E-Cigarette Here

You can find more information on the different ways to quit smoking, and the E-Cigarette, Here

Saturday, September 5, 2009

GoArticles Quit Smoking Category

The Electronic Cigarette, or E Cigarette as it is often known, is an electronic simulation device allowing a user to inhale and exhale vapour instead of cigarette smoke. They are designed to be the same shape and size as a normal cigarette and normally come in either totally black or with a brown tip and a white stem.

There are three parts to the electronic cigarette. The battery is actually the longer part of the device which can be unscrewed and attached to either a USB device for computer charging, or to a mains adapter for charging at home. The central area is the vapour device which contains a heating element to create the vapour. The end of the device, or the tip contains the cartridge. The cartridge is replaceable and this is what one would buy when the nicotine levels runs low. The entire electronic cigarette is reusable but the cartridges need replacing depending on frequency of use.

The cartridge contains a liquid with a mixture of propylene glycol, glycerol, water, vanilla, menthol and linalool. When you inhale from the cartridge end of the device the electronics inside activate the vapour device. A tiny drop of the cartridge liquid is vaporised. Since this also contains nicotine the resulting vapour is inhaled to the lungs and the nicotine diffuses into the blood just as a smoke inhalation would do from a normal cigarette. At the same time a light at the end of the device illuminates to simulate the end of a cigarette.

The vapour which the user inhales can be exhaled and looks very similar to the exhalation of tobacco smoke. This is one of the attractions to these devices over the likes of patches and gum for people giving up. The whole routine is the same. The slow inhalation from the tip, the sharp intake into the lungs, the slight pause and then the straight blow out of vapour through the mouth directly in front of the user. There is no ash to take care of and the device can be safely pocketed directly after use. It is only the inhale that activates the mechanism to deliver the vapour. The taste is different obviously, with a slight hint of vanilla left on the taste buds. The aroma is completely unlike tobacco smoke. There is hardly any smell and what smell there is dissipates very quickly.

E cigarettes each have replaceable cartridges and these refills can be of varying strength from high to zero. The aim for people who intend to use the device to quit smoking is to wean themselves from their normal nicotine levels to zero nicotine, but still have the physical holding aspect of smoking and the inhaling and exhaling experience.

With such a new technology becoming increasingly popular there are waves of news articles comparing the electronic devices to normal cigarettes in an attempt to decide if they are more healthy. A normal cigarette has in excess of 4000 chemicals of which 43 have been identified as carcinogenic. Of the ingredients in an E Cigarette the one which has unidentified effects for continuous inhalation is the propylene glycol.

Neil MacLeod writes for which is an ecommerce website that sells the electronic cigarette to help people give up smoking. Their starter packs are available in black or brown/white and come complete with replacement cartridges and USB chargers.

You can find more information on the E-Cigarette , and find out where to get the best ones Here

The Take a Shot to Quit Smoking Procedure: Does it Work Many smokers are hearing about the take a shot to quit smoking procedure, and are curious as to whether they should get it.Stop smoking shot clinics make some really amazing claims about this quit smoking injection. Unfortunately, the facts show that this is not the case

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Take a Shot to Quit Smoking Procedure Has a Shaky Reputation

A lot of people have heard that they can take a shot to quit smoking, and are considering getting this stop smoking injection treatment with good reason. According to the World Health Organization, someone dies from tobacco use every eight seconds. An attempt to quit smoking cigarettes is a smart move, but do you really want to take a shot to quit smoking?

Stop smoking injection clinics market this procedure very aggressively. They advertise a quick fix with an 80% success rate. If the take a shot to quit smoking treatment was so effective, why would they need to sell it so hard?

Stop smoking injection therapy has been around for a while, so why hasn’t the media endorsed this “miracle cure”? And why aren’t there any 3rd party clinical studies to back up the procedure? These are questions that need to be answered before you take a shot to quit smoking.

According to a Florida newspaper, the St. Pete Times, critics of the procedure state that the two drugs used in the take a shot to quit smoking therapy are approved by the FDA, but they are not approved for treating nicotine addiction.

The same source also reveals that the Surgeon General's 200 page "clinical practice guideline" for treating tobacco dependency never mentions the quit smoking shot. In fact, the “clinical studies” that these take a shot to quit smoking establishments claim support the procedure was conducted by their own doctors, and not a respected 3rd party.

In 2006 Atlanta's Fox News staff contacted 21 patients a few weeks after they received this treatment from Welplex, and all but 3 had resumed smoking. That means that the take a shot to quit smoking 80% success rate is out the window.

The St. Pete Times also stated that there have been reports of patients having serious mental side-effects after undergoing the procedure. A Georgia couple that decided to take a shot to quit smoking gave away their business and home during the procedure and ended up living under a bridge. A 59 year old patient of the quit smoking shot became psychotic and considered killing himself and his wife.

If you decide to take a shot to quit smoking, do so at your own risk. Norman Edelman served as the American Lung Association's Chief Medical Officer for 25 years, and warns that we should not use medications to treat nicotine addiction until there efficiency and safety have been established.

Nicotine addiction is largely psychological, and there are safe and effective methods available that can help you quit. Before you spend hundreds of dollars on a questionable and potentially dangerous practice like the take a shot to quit smoking procedure, try something natural.

Quitting smoking is not an impossible task. There are all natural methods available that have helped people remain smoke free forever. If you'd like to, you can find more information HERE

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Take a Shot to Quit Smoking: Is it Safe and Effective Many smokers are hearing about the take a shot to quit smoking procedure, and are curious as to whether they should get it.Stop smoking shot clinics make some really amazing claims about this quit smoking injection. Unfortunately, the facts show that this is not the case.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Reason Why Nicotine is So Addictive

People get hooked to smoking, not just because they enjoy the activity, but because they get hooked to a drug contained inside tobacco. Almost everyone is aware that cigarettes have nicotine in them, and some may even know that it is this substance that causes people to get addicted to smoking. But why is nicotine so addictive?

The reason nicotine causes addiction is because it is a drug, plain and simple. It artificially messes with the
chemicals in your brain, which is what other highly addictive drugs like cocaine and heroin also do.

When you smoke a cigarette, you inhale a certain amount of nicotine into your body. This causes an instant reaction, affecting not only your blood pressure and oxygen levels in your blood, but shooting up into your brain and artificially triggering a release of dopamine.

Dopamine is a chemical that gives pleasurable feelings, like that rush you get when you finally master a new skill. Getting a rush of dopamine when you've accomplished something positive pushes you to learn and master even more skills.

But when you artificially trigger the release of dopamine through smoking, your brain learns to get pleasurable sensations by relying on a drug, which in this case is nicotine.

So what does a smoker do next? They keep returning back and getting more cigarettes in order to recreate this pleasurable sensation. Pretty soon they find themselves smoking a pack or two a day, which is equivalent to about 200-400 hits of nicotine per day.

So your body learns to incorporate this drug into its daily life. It starts to rely on nicotine in order to regulate its mood and stay 'happy'. Now when you no longer smoke, your body is unable to cope with stress on its own, and starts craving more nicotine.

Your body has become dependent on nicotine.

Now if nicotine were free, maybe you could make some kind of excuse for smoking it every day. But not only does it cost you money, but the other chemicals contained in cigarettes also mean that there's a physical cost to smoking as well. No matter how you look at it, getting addicted to nicotine can only do your body harm.

Would you like to learn how to stop being addicted to nicotine and quit smoking? Check out this stop smoking program with an Amazing 96% success rate that shows you how to quit smoking By Smoking. Or take a look at some of the other Quit Smoking Products with high success rates and low cost!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Does the Take a Shot to Quit Smoking Procedure Work

Author: Frank Daily

Have you considered trying to take a shot to quit smoking? Stop smoking injections have been around for quite some time now, but no one knows if they really work. I have found a few posts online from people claiming that it worked for them or someone they know, but no solid proof. Let’s take a closer look at the procedure before you decide to take a shot to quit smoking.

Stop smoking injections use Scopolamine or Atropine to block nicotine receptors in the brain. A person who decides to take a shot to quit smoking can receive up to 3 shots of these chemicals, and is required to take Atropine pills and wear Scopolamine patches for 2 weeks following the shot.

These medications are known to have some pretty bad side effects, and most clinics will also require a person to attend an ongoing support group as part of the treatment plan. If you decide to take a shot to quit smoking, it’s not going to be the quick fix they hard sell it to be.

The procedure usually costs $300 to $500, and boasts an 80% success rate. Unfortunately, any attempt you make to validate these claims with research will come up short. There are numerous sites all over the internet that warn people of the take a shot to quit smoking scam. It is also relevant to add that if this expensive “miracle shot” was really as good as advertisers claim it to be, it would be widely covered and accepted by the media. It’s not!

Before you spend hundreds of dollars and take a shot to quit smoking, try looking into methods that don’t involve medications. Quitting cold turkey is the safest route, and it really doesn’t have to be that hard of a battle. The mind is a powerful thing. Don’t take a shot to quit smoking before you give yourself the benefit of the doubt.

About the Author:

There are safe and effective methods that have helped millions of other people quit the habit. Smoking is a physical addiction, and a psychological habit. You can find more information on treating both parts of the addiction, even if you want to quit naturally Here

Article Source: - Does the Take a Shot to Quit Smoking Procedure Work