Saturday, September 5, 2009

GoArticles Quit Smoking Category

The Electronic Cigarette, or E Cigarette as it is often known, is an electronic simulation device allowing a user to inhale and exhale vapour instead of cigarette smoke. They are designed to be the same shape and size as a normal cigarette and normally come in either totally black or with a brown tip and a white stem.

There are three parts to the electronic cigarette. The battery is actually the longer part of the device which can be unscrewed and attached to either a USB device for computer charging, or to a mains adapter for charging at home. The central area is the vapour device which contains a heating element to create the vapour. The end of the device, or the tip contains the cartridge. The cartridge is replaceable and this is what one would buy when the nicotine levels runs low. The entire electronic cigarette is reusable but the cartridges need replacing depending on frequency of use.

The cartridge contains a liquid with a mixture of propylene glycol, glycerol, water, vanilla, menthol and linalool. When you inhale from the cartridge end of the device the electronics inside activate the vapour device. A tiny drop of the cartridge liquid is vaporised. Since this also contains nicotine the resulting vapour is inhaled to the lungs and the nicotine diffuses into the blood just as a smoke inhalation would do from a normal cigarette. At the same time a light at the end of the device illuminates to simulate the end of a cigarette.

The vapour which the user inhales can be exhaled and looks very similar to the exhalation of tobacco smoke. This is one of the attractions to these devices over the likes of patches and gum for people giving up. The whole routine is the same. The slow inhalation from the tip, the sharp intake into the lungs, the slight pause and then the straight blow out of vapour through the mouth directly in front of the user. There is no ash to take care of and the device can be safely pocketed directly after use. It is only the inhale that activates the mechanism to deliver the vapour. The taste is different obviously, with a slight hint of vanilla left on the taste buds. The aroma is completely unlike tobacco smoke. There is hardly any smell and what smell there is dissipates very quickly.

E cigarettes each have replaceable cartridges and these refills can be of varying strength from high to zero. The aim for people who intend to use the device to quit smoking is to wean themselves from their normal nicotine levels to zero nicotine, but still have the physical holding aspect of smoking and the inhaling and exhaling experience.

With such a new technology becoming increasingly popular there are waves of news articles comparing the electronic devices to normal cigarettes in an attempt to decide if they are more healthy. A normal cigarette has in excess of 4000 chemicals of which 43 have been identified as carcinogenic. Of the ingredients in an E Cigarette the one which has unidentified effects for continuous inhalation is the propylene glycol.

Neil MacLeod writes for which is an ecommerce website that sells the electronic cigarette to help people give up smoking. Their starter packs are available in black or brown/white and come complete with replacement cartridges and USB chargers.

You can find more information on the E-Cigarette , and find out where to get the best ones Here

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